The features of this editor apply only to image file formats (such as JPEG, PNG, GIF) and will not work on movies.

  1. To launch the editor click on  for the image file that you would like to edit, then click Image Editor, in list mode click on  then click Image Editor
  2. You can apply any desired function: flip, rotate, crop (tutorials listed belowl)
  3. Click on , you can now add effects and/or resize the image 
  4. Enter the new filename and the pixel quality (0-100), then click on  to save the new file
  5. The file will be added to the folder that you were working from


The Flip tool is used to invert an image.

  • Flip horizontally click on 

  • Flip vertically click on 


The Rotate tool is used to adjust the angle of an image, you can adjust the rotation in increments of 90 degrees.

  • Rotate counter clockwise click on 
  • Rotate clockwise click on 


The Crop tool is used to reduce the visible area of an image, to begin cropping, click on . ImageEdit grays out the area that will be cropped, click on  button to accept the crop.

  • You can adjust the edges of the selection to fall exactly at the desired location. Simply place the cursor over one of the four sides and drag to the desired location. While adjusting the cropped are, you can review the coordinates and pixel size of the crop in the top right corner

  • You may also use the arrow keys to adjust the crop area by pixel or hold down the shift key and use the arrow keys to resize the crop area by pixel
  • To crop to a specific size click on then enter the desired dimensions, then click on 
  • Click on  to exit the Crop tool

Effects (only with PHP 5)

  • Gray Scale: Converts the image into grayscale (black and white)
  • Negative: Reverses all colors of the image
  • Sepia: Simulates a faded brownish color of photographs found in history
  • Edge Detect: Uses edge detection to highlight the edges of the image    

  • Emboss: Embosses the image (slightly raises the edges/surfaces)

  • Gaussian Blur: Blurs the image using the Gaussian method (blurs on a curve or/of equal distribution)

  • Selective Blur:  Blurs the image 

  • Mean Removal: Uses mean removal to achieve a "sketchy" effect